New Electrostatic Precipitators for the Indocement Cirebon Plant P9 Raw Mill and P9 Cooler ESPs.
Scope of Work
Design, construction, installation and commissioning of 3 x ESPs including all instrumentation, associated cooling systems, ESP spares and service contract for the Indocement Cirebon Plant.
Equipment Supplied
- Engineering Design
- Construction and delivery of all equipment
- Installation
- Commissioning of all ESPs including all instrumentation, associated cooling systems
- ESP spares and service maintenance contract for the Indocement Cirebon Plant
Bogor, West Java
Project Duration
9 months
Completion Date
Gas Flow rate
Raw Mill: 600,000 Am3/hr. Cooler ESP: 480,000 Am3/h
ESP Manufacturer
Baltec Australia.
Inlet Dust burden
Raw Mill: 95 g/Nm3. Cooler ESP: 30 g/Nm3
Raw Mill: 120oC. Cooler ESP: 270oC